Crazy dreams great. Bass is with you.
Startups are the vocalist
and we are the bassists.

The vocalist gave the best performance
To help you achieve your crazy dreams,
BASS Ventures brings you the best rhythm and beats.
Do people call you crazy?
We’re here to back your boldness.
Ambition that never dries
Entrepreneurs with unquenchable ambition never stop.
The infinite desire for growth to bring about great change in the world, the competitive spirit to never want to lose, and the desire to achieve more no matter how much you achieve.
We're looking for crazy entrepreneurs who can overwhelm us with that kind of ambition.
The process of establishing a nation
The process of creating a startup is like founding a nation.
Gather great colleagues, work hard to create an overwhelming team, and give it your all to run towards your crazy dream together.
We are looking for leaders and crazy entrepreneurs who can accomplish tasks on a nation-building level.
Perseverance to get it done no matter what
If you really want to do it, you can't do it at a normal level.
An obsession with a crazy dream, a commitment to the highest standards, a never-say-die grit, and ultimately, results.
We're looking for crazy entrepreneurs who have the tongue-twistering obsession and persistence to see their crazy dreams through to the end.